Poetry & Prose
Current and selected work.
Online & In Print
Forthcoming: Disaster Ode, Massachusetts Review
Vain Tenderness, The Land of Rape and Honey, The Common
At the Basilica Notre-Dame, The Common
Loves Poem, Pain, Copper Nickel
Ms. Interpretation, Hunger Mountain
Faux Scientific Data: An Excerpt from Spare, Permafrost
Easy Shooting, Conduit
Self-Portrait with Antanagoge, Denver Quarterly
Action Dress, Up the Staircase Quarterly (video)
Here is the Sea to Drive You Home, WSQ/Feminist Press
Flame’s Dream, Juked
Gameplay, Blunderbuss
Who Will Be Frenchy?
Three Poems, Poor Claudia
Needs Citation, THE FEM
Animul Sonnut, Bennington Review
Time Alone
Sonnet for Rivulet, Drunken Boat (audio)
Drowning, Up the Staircase Quarterly (audio)
Animul/Flame, So to Speak
Flame’s Lessons
The Call, Café Review
Notes I & II, Horse Less Review (video)
Cemetery Hill, DASH
Ophelia as Sea Urchin, Indiana Review
Char’s Sorrow, Your Impossible Voice
Char’s Lesson
Flame’s Relief
Cut, Never Eaten, LUMINA
Neither Amber Nor Rust
Ophelia as Sea Urchin Looks at Photographs, Spoon River Poetry Review
Animul & other poems Jet Fuel Review
The Funniest Thing You Ever Heard,
The Feminist Wire
What Is Your Desiderata, Curator
Polyester: A Legacy, Requited Journal
Polyester: A Legacy
Polyester: A Legacy
Waking Life, Stirring: A Literary Collection
All poems ©2017 Michelle Lewis
Image ©2017 Ariel Hall